Page 67 - La Nuit des Feuillentines

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the Virgin Mary, and “those who were unable to live the austere rule of the old Orders will
fnd in this new one all the means for achieving religious perfection.”
The Company of Mary Our lady is conceived.
While I found it relatively easy to “imagine” how to express the frst vision (9), this was not
the case with the following ones, which are more along the line of insights and inspirations
rather than visions.
I have tried to interpret this text “projecting” some of what might be the idea taking shape
in the heart of Jeanne de Lestonnac as foundress.
In the center of the lower part of the illustration, the vocation of the Company of Mary is
represented: a religious with a child in front of her. (Is it Jeanne or one of her spiritual
daughters? It matters not.) The child holds the hand placed on her shoulder by this
educator. In the child’s other hand there is a walking stick for the journey she embarks
upon with joy… “educate for life.”
A little higher up, we see the frst companions holding the Abrégé and the Constitutions.
On the other side, there is a simple representation of the beautiful procession in honor of
the Virgin Mary on the Feast of the Presentation in the Temple.
On top two religious working with young girls; in the background, Ha street…
We then move to the expansion of the Company of Mary, throughout the ages and
throughout the world, according to God’s plan up to our present day, praying and working
towards building the Kingdom of God.
Finally, above all of this we fnd the Virgin Mary, safeguarding, guiding, accompanying; she
holds Jesus her son in her arms, the one in whose name we are all unite.
Breve apresentação da “gênesis” deste trabalho, cujo objetivo é contribuir para uma
melhor compreensão dos desenhos.
Depois de haver refetido e aprofundado durante muito tempo, com o objetivo de penetrar
tanto quanto possível no mistério desta noite pascal vivida por Santa Joana de Lestonnac,
na qual passou das trevasmais escuras da desolação à consolaçãomais clara e luminosa...
Depois de ter lido e relido o relato desta noite, para assimilá-la em profundidade, só me
restava encontrar a melhor forma de expressar algo que correspondesse à verdade do
De início, renunciei a uma mera reconstrução histórica (lugares, trajes...)