Page 55 - La Nuit des Feuillentines

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Dio le fece vedere un’immagine delle grandezze e delle virtù di questa Regina degli uomini
e degli Angeli, con la forma dell’Istituto che doveva costituire, dove potevano essere ricevute
quelle che non fossero capaci delle austerità degli Ordini religiosi antichi e scoprire, nella
dolcezza di una santa Regola, tutti i mezzi dell’alta perfezione.
In questo modo passò la notte questa santa Novizia, felice e brillante notte che dissipò le
tenebre del suo spirito, chiarì i suoi dubbi e le fece conoscere la volontà di Dio! In questa
notte la Santa Vergine divenne la Madre di questa società di sante Figlie che colei che
avevano scelto doveva riunire sotto il suo nome; allo stesso modo in cui, nell’oscurità della
notte, diede alla luce suo Figlio, che fu la luce del mondo. Infne, una notte dalla quale la
Beata Novizia uscì come Mosè dalla sua conversazione con Dio, investita di una doppia
luce che doveva riversarsi: su alcune vergini per formarle nella perfezione e sulle famiglie
della società per istruirle nei doveri della vita cristiana.
Convinced by what she was told, the novice could only object with her grief and tears. After
the superior withdrew, she sought consolation in prayer.
Once night had fallen, she arose from bed seeking comfort in God. She prostrated herself
on the foor and humbled herself in God’s presence; in the depth of her affiction she
prayed with these words:
“God of infnite mercy and consoler of those who suffer let me pour out all the bitterness in my
Must I leave the house to which you yourself have brought me? I have overcome so many
diffculties and won so many victories with your help: my family, the world, and myself…, only to
succumb under the weight of this misfortune? What then? Have I traveled such a long road in the
midst of so many hardships toward the Promised Land only to see it, but not enter it?
Have I been mistaken, my God, in believing that I was following your will, or do you have other
plans for me? I have listened to your oracles, and I have followed their advice. I have taken the
time to gain clarity in interpreting them.
Speak, Lord, you are able to direct my thoughts and lead me at once on the path you desire. If it
is your hand that has brought me to this place and now takes me from it, I will be consoled.
But if through my own infdelities, I have made myself unworthy to dwell here, I am wholeheartedly
ready to do penance in reparation.
Have you withdrawn yourself from me, you who are my source of life and happiness, and who
up to now have helped me in all my needs? If I leave this holy House, where shall I search for
you? Tell me where you are and I will fy there without stopping. In my youth I could neither fnd
you among the disturbances caused by heresy, nor could I truly possess you later in the midst