Welcome to the Company of Mary Our Lady virtual Library.
From its beginning in 1607, up to the present moment, the Company of Mary has recorded its life and history through various types of communication, publications and other writings as essential mediums for maintaining and renewing its identity.
Bordeaux Project
Today, after four centuries, the Company of Mary has at its disposal an extensive bibliography allowing access to the roots that lay the foundation for the Jeanne de Lestonnac’s educational-evangelizing Project. It demonstrates how the dialogue with different cultures has been a catalyst for recreating and developing various aspects throughout time.
Bordeaux Project
By means of this Library, coordinated by the “Bordeaux Project,” you have direct access to various books, articles, research, conferences, etc.
Bordeaux Project
We also invite you to send us new texts that can enrich our collection and help us to disseminate, on a global level, the potentials contained in Jeanne de Lestonnac’s Project.
"Hacia adelante. Impulsadas por la energía del Espíritu". Documental final.
IX Asamblea General celebrada en Valle de Bravo, México, del 1 al 31 de julio de 2018.
ODN 28.
L´ apostolat des trois congrégations religieuses qui ont évangélisé la partie nord et particulièrement la ville du Cap, pendant un long siècle -1681 à 1793-: Les Capucins, les Jesuites et les Filles de Notre-Dams. Éditions Henri Deschamps, Port-Au- Prince. Copie.
Written on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the opening of Notre Dame School. The value of her legacy is evidenced by the fact that over four hundred years later it continues to be relevant, with the capacity to develop and evolve, as it adapts to new historical contexts and people.